Friday, July 20, 2012

I'm laughing now!

this is really funny, I guess. Went for labs yesterday - I knew they were bad because I literally had to sit down after walking from the bedroom to the kitchen since Tuesday. I really don't know looking back how I made it to work Tuesday & Wednesday.

So yes they were low - at "crisis" levels as the lab calls them. My white count was .2 - lower than when I had the appendicitis. My PCV red count was 19. That's the lowest it's been so far. My platelets were 42 (low end of normal is 150s). I wondered if they were going to admit me but instead they gave me 2 units of blood. Unfortunately there was a positive antibody screen presumably from the unmatched platelets I got during surgery so it took several hours to find the right blood. I finally left Vanderbilt at 7.30 last night. I was quite the spectacle in the cancer center. All the nurses wanted to come see the girl with a PCV of 19!

Dr Keedy came up to see me yesterday & we agreed that based on my counts it was best to delay next week's treatment one week. I'm supposed to feel disappointed because I'm not on schedule anymore. But I don't feel disappointed. I feel like we made a good decision.

Somehow the possibility of doing 6 rounds instead of 7 has taken the stay on schedule pressure off. But then I had to laugh. I have 19 plus people scheduled to come to chemo with me & that all just went out the window.

So if you have signed up THANK YOU but please understand those dates have all changed. I think I will do it a week at a time now - if that makes it too hard for your calendar I completely understand. I just don't want to create anymore unnecessary scheduling & rescheduling for my generous supporters.

So please keep checking here. I will post days, times & needs as I know them. Thanks for understanding.

I'm mentally back in a good place - largely due to your response to my call for help. I'm so fortunate to have such amazing friends. Thank you!

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