Friday, May 4, 2012

Writing on my head!

JAM is kind of quiet this week - pretty tired for some reason.  But, hey the first half of round 3 is in the history books.  And only ONE MORE radiation treatment on Monday then we can close that chapter too.  Sweet.

The transfusion was fine - didn't really feel any different than getting IV fluids.  That is to say it didn't really feel like anything.  They gave me benadryl with the transfusion so I was pretty sleepy during it.  Unusual for me to doze, not work, in the chemo suite but it is what it is! 

Looking forward to a relaxing weekend.  Eri is going to her friend Clara Beth's birthday party on Saturday afternoon, we have some fence to finish putting up in the garden, a couple plants to get in the ground when that's finished.  And thats about it!

Eri's Work
I wanted to share these pictures - I let the girls use my now completely bald head as a white board the other day.  They loved that!  What other use is a bald head besides for a white board?  Makes sense to me & dry erase markers work really well on it too!!
EB's work

Have a great weekend!  I promise to try & write more interesting posts next week!

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