Saturday, March 10, 2012

Garden Party Extravaganza

One word sums up today.  Humbled.  We are so humbled that so many people would take their own time and energy and money to help us when we really need it.  We are so humbled that people genuinely enjoyed helping us.  We are humbled that those who couldn't or didn't want to help physically did so much other stuff like watching our kid or bringing amazing food or sending items to help out.  We are so humbled to look at the pictures from today & see the love & support in people's faces.  We are humbled to look out our bedroom window & see what will soon be a thriving garden.  We'll never enter that garden without thinking about each and every person who participated in making it a reality.  It is and will always be the most basic and pure kind of therapy.

Feels like today was a 56 hour day.  We went & watched Kendall finish his Tom King Half Marathon in under 1:30 this morning.  Takes my breath away to watch him run - it truly does.  Here are a couple pics of him racing and of the rugrats watching! 

I just really don't know how he does it - he ran the half marathon and transitioned straight into gardening mode.  He must be totally exhausted by now.  Maybe he feels like I do - I wonder how post-chemo fatigue compares to a 10 hour day of racing and heavy manual labor?  Interesting comparison.  The girls were total sweethearts this morning - cheering for their Dad.  Eri even saved her hashbrown from breakfast to bring for him.

So, after that Kendall & the girls went on Home Depot Run #1 (I believe there were only 2 today so thats a pretty impressive achievement).  I went to WalMart for some groceries.  I tell you going to WalMart is a horrendous experience for me under the best of circumstances but feeling like a 90 year old grandma its even worse.  Nevertheless, I survived. 

Folks got here to help around noon and it was non stop activity until we forced a work stop around 5.  A few people had to leave but I was so pleased that most folks stayed and ate dinner with us.  We had KFC that Pam brought along with mashed potatoes, gravy, biscuits & these delicious green beans she made.  I don't know what made me happier - seeing the garden come together or eating dinner with so many wonderful people.  I ate three whole meals today!  And didn't feel nauseous at all.  Thats progress.  I am a bit sore from moving around a lot - especially around the port area, but don't worry Dad, I didn't overdo it.  I took it easy, took a ton of photographs & helped where I could. 

We have another wonderful crew coming tomorrow, including some people who were here today!  Emilia & I are working on a special thank you gift for everyone who helped us in any way.  It will take us a few weeks to get it completed but will give all of our helpers something to look forward to & remember the day by.

So, I know everybody reading this is thinking Shut Up Already!  We don't want to read, we want to look at pictures.  So here you go.  Enjoy.

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